Mushroom Day will be held at Bamfurlong on October 10, 2020. There will be Races and prizes. Music will be provided by the Warders of the Weald.
Mushroom Day was declared to be a success. I would like to thank all who helped to make it a success. Below are Thank Yous listed in random order.
LEADER: Li'l Meadowlark.
MUSIC: Warders of the Weald
PRIZES: Miss Piperia; Master Dharyl
FOOD: Master Daerion (Mushroom Pies)
COVERAGE: Master Nibun (Ales and Tales Announcements); Master Cordovan (LOTRO Beacon); SSG (Twitter, Facebook); Master Zedrockk (Lotroartists)
ATTENDEES: All of you who came whether to watch or to play. Without you, the event would have been very dull. Thank you for coming and helping us celebrate Mushroom Day. We hope that you had fun and that we shall see you again next year.